About Us |
Who Are We ?
Here you will find more than you ever wanted to know about us, including:- our contact information; our mission; and, our history. Please scroll down to browse through the subsections, or choose one of the following links to jump directly to a specific subsection: |
Nyanza Software is located, oddly enough, on Planet Earth. Currently, our physical home is in the young nation of Guyana, part of the Caribbean / South America region. [For further information on Guyana, please explore the Links > General Resources > South America > Guyana subsection.] NOTE: The rapid growth of the World Wide Web has given rise to a variety of rather interesting phenomena. One of these is the existence of "web-bots", small software critters which scour the Web -- i.e., the raw HTML code underlying Web pages -- looking for interesting information. Most web-bots are legitimately employed by search-engines to allow indexing the vast ocean of Web content. Unfortunately, there is an ever-growing menace from rogue web-bots whose sole purpose is to hunt for personal information such as e-mail addresses (the better for their masters & mistresses to flood us all with spam and other unsolicited solicitations, or worse). They're giving all web-bots a bad name. As a result, we have "mangled" the e-mail addresses shown here. However, the unmangled versions are also available in the 'Read Me' documents that are included in our various downloadable software packages. Nyanza
Software [NOTE: To "unmangle" this telephone number, please
remove the anti-spam portion(s).] [NOTE: To "unmangle" these
e-mail addresses, please remove the anti-spam
portion(s) and then apply the usual
transformations.] |
As stated on the Home page, our mission is both simple and ambitious – viz., to cater for the needs of IT enthusiasts and the general community of Earthlings. Currently, due to the regrettable human limitations of finite time and energy, we can fulfill only a very small portion of that awesome mandate. ;-) For those of you wondering about our name, 'nyanza' is usually translated as 'lake' in Swahili. It is the name of a province in Kenya, and is also used in reference to the famous nearby Lake of which it forms part of the eastern shore. As for that Lake itself... While sometimes redundantly called Lake Nyanza, it also goes by the name of Lake Ukerewe (after one of the islands in its midst), or Lake "Victoria" (for those partial to the monarchs, explorers and "discoverers" from the bygone Euro-colonial era). It just so happens that this Lake is also widely considered to be the one of the two major headwaters (the other being Lake Tana in the highlands of Ethiopia) of that equally famous River which flows in various tributaries, sub-rivers and joined-rivers along what is commonly called the "Nile Valley Basin". As one might suspect, that River also had, and still has, many different names, depending on the culture, time and place. [For further information on the "Nile Valley" and the seminal civilisations of Qevs / Kush / Meroe / Ta-Seti ("Nubia") and K'm't / Kemet / Ta-Meri ("Ancient Egypt"), please explore my 'Nyanza' link toward the end of the Links > General Resources > Africa > Nile Valley subsection.] |
have not always been a tiny outfit. On the
contrary, there was a time when we did not even
exist at all! ;-) Up until late 2000, we were
toiling away in the commercial IT world,
specifically in the field of Software Development
[or "Software Engineering", for those of you who
prefer a slightly more upscale term ;-)]. The idea
of forming our own stand-alone entity had been
percolating since the mid 1990s, but was not
possible until now. As of January 2006, we have
become a formally registered proprietorship in
Guyana! However, there are still some loose ends
to tie up; e.g., we will hopefully be moving to a
self-hosted site in the near future. So, teaching is once again taking up the bulk of our time and energy. As a result, many of our freelance software development services have now been curtailed. In particular, our enterprise development services are now effectively suspended. Even our own projects have largely taken a back seat. However, we still offer a few desktop utilities here on our site, and we are still open to some pro bono desktop development, time permitting. |
![]() Please check out the Our Developers subsection for further details on our technical staff [actually, at the moment, that "staff" consists of exactly one person ;-)]. Those details include brief biographies, along with CVs / résumés. |