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Nyanza Software

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What Do We Do ?


Here you will find our various freeware, shareware and commercial endeavours in the broad categories of:- Software; and, Services.

Please scroll down to browse through the subsections, or choose one of the following links to jump directly to a specific subsection:



We offer various freeware utilities for the Apple Macintosh® and other platforms. Currently, all available utilities are designed for the venerable (albeit long-in-the-tooth) Mac OS Classic versions, and will not work under any macOS / Mac OS X versions. Further, some of the utilities simply provide workarounds for problems introduced by a particular OS release, and are therefore intended for use with that OS version only.

Scripting Addition icon

RA PPP Status OSAX 1.0.1
Scripting Addition (OSAX)
Mac OS 9.1 -- 9.2.x

What's new in version 1.0.1?

Closed Folders Extension Icon

Closed Folders 1.0.1
Extension (INIT+BOA) & Control Panel
Mac OS 8.5.x -- 9.2.x

What's new in version 1.0.1?


Generic App

Blue Arrow DeskTopUp 1.0  ( Coming soon )
  [We're working mostly on this utility program, when not otherwise engaged in teaching, etc.]

A modern multi-threaded Apple macOS / OS X utility to elegantly assist with Desktop tasks (remembering recently-closed folders, managing desktop sets, and overlaying icons with visual ‘stamps’), for distribution soon via online outlets.
Mac OS X 10.x+ ONLY

ANKH 1.0  ( Coming some time in the 21st Century! ;-) )
    [Until much more time can be devoted to this project, it will remain vaporware for now ...]

General assistant / tutor. A rather ambitious application which will try to help you filter, explore & effectively utilise various kinds of complex and/or high-volume information, including newswires & newsfeeds (current events / politics, financial / investment, or any other domain that it can "understand"). It will even "learn" your preferences over time. At its core is an "Artificial Intelligence" (AI) engine that we call the ANalogical Knowledge-based Helper [yes, it's a rather contrived acronym, but what the heck... anything to get a Nile Valley reference in there. :-)]
Mac OS X 10.x+; Windows XP+ ; Linux 2.x+ / KDE+


We provide custom software development for the Apple Macintosh®, MS Windows® and Solaris®/Unix®-like platforms. We also provide free scripting assistance for the Apple Macintosh® platform.

Develop icon

Software Development
Applications; Networking
Mac OS; MS Windows; Enterprise

AppleScript icon

AppleScript Assistance
Scripts; OSAXen
Mac OS



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