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 Scripting Assistance

In a nutshell, we offer general AppleScript (AS) assistance as time permits, free of charge. If you get stuck at a crucial place in your scriptable work flow, or you're wondering "Can AS even do this?", then we might be able to help you. This offer goes out to "home scripters" only, who're working on personal or small in-house projects. [If you are in need of professional or enterprise scripting services, consult the experts such as AS guru Bill Cheeseman at his Quechee Software web site.]

It is also important to note that we do not usually provide help with the details of scripting particular applications (unless it's one with which we happen to be familiar). Rather, we strive to share with you some general AS tips, advice, optimisation techniques and even obscure tricks involving handlers and script objects. Most of our knowledge has been gleaned from several years of toiling & sweating over our own script libraries, as well as from the helpful information found on top-notch web sites such as the AppleScript Sourcebook (hosted by the aforementioned Mr. Cheeseman).

To paraphrase the old saying, there are more ways than one to skin a Mac. ;-)  [With apologies to Macs and cats everywhere.]  As you know,
AS is a technology based on Apple's ingenious Open Scripting Architecture (OSA). The AS component provides relatively high-level control of scriptable processes, and facilitates the tight integration of disparate elements into your work flow. Since 1993, AS has been evolving into the fairly mature, elegant "master of ceremonies" it is today. AS can smoothly conduct the various units of your orchestra, yielding a harmonious symphony...

What's that you say? A bit "over the top"? Too good to be true? Well, maybe. ;-)  We'll be the first to admit that AS is not a panacea for all computing headaches or IT challenges; however, when applied to an appropriate scenario, AS can be even better than it sounds. Actually, the folks at the Apple mothership say it all much better than I. If you need or wish to learn more about AS, please see the Links > Technical Resources subsection for a list of IT resources, including several AS web sections such as the one available at the mothership itself. Of special note is that the recenty released Mac OS X 10.1 update has opened up even more exciting vistas for AS fans.


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  AppleScript Scripting See the About Us > Contact Us subsection.
    [Please use an 'ATTN:' (for mail) or a subject (for e-mail) that begins with "Scripting (AS) - ".]
NOTE: Our AS Scripting services are currently time-limited, due to our ongoing work on a long-term outsourced corporate contract.



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